Cannabiz Solutions LiquiCompost


Availability: 12 in stock


LiquiCompost is a unique Phyto-Fulvic acid (PFA) chelated macro and micro-nutrient product that is totally soluble in water.

Where the surface tension of water is 70.5 milliNewton/meter measured with the du Noüy surface tension apparatus, the value for LiquiCompost is 49.4 mN/m. This has a marked effect on improving soil penetration, The nutrients are in solution and can be taken up through the roots when applied to the soil as well as through the leaves if used as a foliar spray.

It has strong chelating characteristics and will neutralize ionic charges of mineral nutrients to assist in the management and prevention of insoluble phosphate salts forming in the soil. This will maintain the minerals in a water-soluble form for optimum uptake and utilization.


Biological Equilibrium Farming™ comprises the use of organic and chemical plant nutrients in conjunction with soil conditioners to rectify soil quality as well as soil life. This is done to optimize the uptake of plant nutrients so as to increase harvest and insure better crop quality

LiquiCompost is a PhytoFulvic acid chelated nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P} and potassium (K} and micro-nutrient product that is totally soluble in water.

LiquiCompost improves the uptake of nutrients due to the chelating properties of the fulvic acid and promotes quicker germination and faster root and shoot growth. The fulvic acid and kelp content also stimulates soil microbial activity.

LiquiCompost contains Ecklonia Kelp to support cell division and mobility of the nutrients in the plant.

LiquiCompost is to be used for the seedling and the Vegetative growing stages of the plant.


Product characteristics

The plant extracted Phytofulvic acid used in LiquiCompost has strong wetter/spreader and re-wetter characteristics due to its hygroscopic (water loving) nature. The wetting capability is directly related to its water dispersing qualities (soapiness) to break the surface tension of water. Where the surface tension of water is 70.5 milli Newton/meter the value for LiquiCompost is 49.4 mN/m. This has a marked effect on improving soil penetration, wetting, structure and nutrient uptake. Fulvic acid ions have the ability to neutralize cations and anions and therefore enhance nutrient availability and uptake by the plant.


Directions for use:


The nutrient guide aims to provide a general recommendation of when to use each product and in which periods of the growth phase you should increase the dosages.

Please Note: This guide is not intended as a comprehensive growing guide but a guideline designed to ensure proper utilisation of these nutrients.

For best results refer to EC pen, adjust PH (5.8 – 6.2) and EC (1.5 – 1.8). Every plant is different therefore growing is about experimenting.

LiquiCompost can also be used in Hydro and foliar applications

Foliar Application

5-10mls per litre water.

Do not apply on wilted plants, apply early morning or late afternoon.


Composition:                                                                                       Product Properties:                                               

Nitrogen (N)                    25.8 g/kg

Phosphorous (P)             2.2 g/kg                                                      S.G:                  1.22 ± 0.1

Potassium (K)                   6.2 g/kg                                                      pH:                   4.4 ± 0.1

Magnesium (Mg               0.1 g/kg                                                    Appearance:   Dark Brown thick liquid

Zinc (Zn)                        135 mg/kg

Iron (Fe)                         115 mg/kg

Manganese (Mn)           53 mg/kg

Copper (Cu)                   61 mg/kg

Boron (B)                       251 mg/kg

Molybdenum (Mo       160 mg/kg

Cobalt (Co)                     31 mg/kg

Nickel (Ni)                       33 mg/kg

Ecklonia Kelp           1.805 mg/kg

Phytofulvic Acid            12%



Storage temperature:         13ºC – 25ºC.

Store in a cool dry area

Do not store in direct sunlight.

Keep the lid closed after use.

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